In the beginning...

Well, hello there! Fancy seeing you here.

If you didn't already know (which is highly unlikely considering you probably found yourself being dragged here by my incessant spamming on Twitter), my name is Chlo, I'm eighteen-years-old and I'm perhaps one of the most boring people you could have the misfortune of meeting.

So, 'why are you starting a new blog?', I hear you say.

Besides the inspiration I've had recently from Tiffani ( and Eilidh ( who both have the ability to write beyond anything I could ever imagine myself being able to do, I have also realised that there is going to be a lot going on in my life in the next few months that I think I should write about.

This blog is not necessarily for people to read, but a way for me to rationalise my thoughts and show to myself the ways in which I have grown and succeeded in life, even when the days seem dark and stormy.

Bit cliché, I know, but bear with me.

I've been an adult now for eight months and I can't say it has been easy. Although there's new found freedom, that I'm sure everyone dreams of while being a teenager, there is also a new level of responsibility that I'm not sure I fully comprehended.

In my writing, you will see me struggle, see me fight myself, and (hopefully) see me succeed in the new adventures and challenges I am putting myself through.

The rest of 2017 is full of new adventures (university, seeing Queen, raising my new puppy) and opportunities to express myself (Sherlocked, Brighton Pride, Manchester Pride), so I hope that you'll come along for the ride with me.

I send all my love to you,

Chlo x

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